Our school conducted an introductory and enlightening workshop on 25 May 2023, on a very crucial topic related to the present times i.e., Social- Emotional Learning. The workshop was especially designed for the teachers. The Resource person for the day was Mrs. Shikha Banerjee. Her intellect and understanding of the subject is truly praiseworthy.The workshop was commenced with a brief introduction to the whole concept of SEL.
The programme was designed and curated especially for educators to empower them to develop their SEL based classroom environment which are more effective for learning and provide ‘safe space’ for students to express their emotions. The session was made interactive and fun with the inclusion of quick question and answer round. The teachers were introduced to the five main components of Social- Emotional learning and they were told about the various methods to imply these components in their classrooms. The Resource person also threw light on the Blooms taxonomy and ways to understand the child through Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor domain. Overall, it was truly a well- planned session with an objective to use SEL in the day to day curriculum of the school.