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Reading Should not be Presented to Kids as a Chore, or a Duty But Offered as a Gift

“A book is a gift you can open again and again.”-Garrison Keillor

Since time immemorial, reading has been a powerful tool for human evolution. From the Vedas, Upanishads and other ancient scriptures to historical manuscripts, it is the zest to read and know more that has made the human race more civil and a sophisticated species.

However, with the increased dependence on electronic devices and the internet being the solution of most problems reading is a habit that has lost its importance big time.
Students these days do not even feel the need to refer to a dictionary; as Google is at their fingertips.

Reading should not be presented to kids as a chore, a duty. It should be offered as a gift.

Another reason for children being so averse to reading is the ever so burdensome textbooks. The education system should be designed in a manner to inculcate inquisitiveness and curiosity to know more and therefore read outside textbooks.

As they say, a person who reads is never lonely. Reading is not only a habit that enhances vocabulary and improves knowledge but also opens a whole new world to the reader. A book is like portable magic it inculcates imaginative power and pushes the horizons of one’s mental capability and how open they are to absorb new ideas and new thoughts.

Reading also improves writing and speaking abilities, memory, and intellect. A few suggestions:

One can start by reading just one page a day. Picking up the simplest of books that appeal to you is the key. Instead of choosing heavy topics and over the top serious books that you see your peers reading. Make reading a habit for your own good. Not to be seen as someone who reads.

Once you become an avid reader, your perception towards little things in life changes. You are more mindful in your choices and thoughtful of your words.
So go pick up a book…and see how your world changes!!
Happy Reading!

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