Pedagogical Skills
Pedagogical Skills
School is a gateway to a world of knowledge, commerce and culture. It must have a creative venue to inspire the fertile minds of young students. Everyday we hear this line “Change is the only constant”. That means we need to keep changing ourselves by updating our repository of knowledge, teaching pedagogy, skills to handle and manage the class at the school level.
Our school has a systematic and integrated approach to staff development that focuses on the professional learning of the teachers and establishes the classrooms as an important center for teachers’ development which is central to successful school improvement.
We have a very strong networking system through which teachers collaborate across in groups, within school (subject or cross subject teams); by pairs, as in coaching or coaching and mentoring or even by individuals.
The use of ICT in classrooms enhances learning and teaching. This helps in development of pupil capability & classroom management .It provides an advice on how to identify different learning styles & provide variety of activities which are most appropriate to the individual learning needs of the pupils.
Our teachers are innovative and try new things to add to our pedagogical bags of tricks with a focus on purpose and intentionality. One of these is Metacognitive strategy where students are given opportunities to plan &organize, monitor their own work, direct their own learning and to self-reflect along the way. We provide students with time and space to be aware of their own knowledge and their own thinking so that their accountability is increased. Best example is successful execution of COMFESt and SAJMUN-the two students organized events of our school which have become very popular at the local, National and International level. These have developed leadership qualities and managerial skills in students.
Our recently introduced ERP system looks for better generation of MIS and centralized data so that management and staff can have a quick data review of each and every child whenever and wherever required.
Another very much fruitful and practical pedagogical technique which we have adopted is teaching outside classroom. We have taken many baby steps by taking the children for Nature Walk, Science City, The Giant Banyan Tree, and Archeological Site at Lucknow for the better understanding of surroundings, to develop scientific & Research skills in the students.
Great teachers are earnest learners. Regular Departmental Meetings, Staff Managing Committee Meetings, Workshops and Seminars for teachers by experts from renowned institutions such as HomiBhabha Centre for Science Education, IIT, Medical College give a platform to teachers to talk and share best research based classroom practices in a unique environment according to the need of students of various age groups and what they know. These practices have empowered the teachers with latest technologies & methodologies.
School has conducted many workshops for children on career counseling, drug addiction, stress management and adolescence issues by experts from various fields.
In a nutshell, Jaipuria pedagogy includes-Teachers’ empowerment, participation in research, role playing, research projects, field trips, reading, brain storming, seminars, workshops, gallery visits, hands on activities, classroom presentation and participation.
Thus we try our best in supporting the child in his mental and social development.